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SOLD SCHOONER Vaixells en venda

Es ven una goleta de quilla llarga



VENDA GOLETA: La nostra goleta Alania s’ha venut i ens complau anunciar que el nou propietari està emocionat de tenir-la a les seves mans. Hem treballat dur per aconseguir la millor oferta per a l’antic propietari i estem encantats que estigui satisfet amb la transacció. Ara podrà centrar-se en la seva passió per l’olivera.
La venda ha estat un repte, però gràcies al nostre equip d’experts i la dedicació de l’antic propietari, ho hem aconseguit. El nou propietari té ganes de navegar-la i estem segurs que la gaudirà plenament. Estem orgullosos d’haver format part d’aquesta transacció i desitgem al nou propietari molts anys d’aventures i moments inoblidables a bord d’Alania. Enhorabona al nou propietari i gràcies a l’antic propietari per confiar en nosaltres!

Descripció del vaixell

Preciós exemple d’una goleta construïda l’any 1992 perfecta per a la navegació costanera al Mediterrani. Casc de pi de 6 cm de gruix Coberta, cabina i interior d’iroko Interiors de pi i iroko. Vaixell de passatgers 30 passatgers + 3 tripulants en sortida diürna i 18 a bord (14 + 4 tripulants) viatges més llargs—llista 2 del registre espanyol.

El març de 2022, el propietari va gastar 10.000 € per afinar el casc i passar la inspecció anual en sec. El vaixell necessita una atenció especial a la coberta i l’afinació general i treballa per tornar-la en perfecte estat. La coberta de teca està sent substituïda ara pel venedor.

Comentaris del propietari

Com cada any que tinc el vaixell des de fa 18 anys, ha estat fora de l’aigua tot el mes de febrer, i és cada any per fer la inspecció anual d’alguns enginyers navals. Aquest any (2022) s’ha polit tot el casc i s’han canviat gairebé tots els taulons del casc. El més gran fa 2 m. El casc és el millor de la barca de pi de 6 cm. L’interior de la sala d’estar és de 2 m.

El propietari pot proporcionar un ampli estoc de fusta d’IROKO, PI i TECA per a futures reparacions. El propietari ho inclourà en el preu sense cap cost. La fusta està valorada en 10.000 €.

El propietari no ha estat l’únic propietari sinó que ha estat l’últim propietari durant 18 anys. La goleta es va comprar a Turquia l’any 2002, on l’anterior propietari la va utilitzar com a xàrter.

Aquesta goleta està a la llista sis ja que el propietari l’ha ocupat per al lloguer des de la seva adquisició.

El preu de la goleta inclou el preu de cessió del canvi de nom de l’empresa per continuar utilitzant-se comercialment.

La goleta no s’utilitza ara com a carta; està a l’aigua del port.

Aquest és el motor original, i encara que té uns quants anys d’antiguitat, sempre s’ha fet servei. El motor és mecànic, i funciona perfectament per a aquest tipus d’embarcacions. Aquest vaixell fa unes 500 hores de navegació a l’any, estimades en 12.000 amb aquest propietari.


Generador únic dièsel de 10kw. instal·lat el 2012 no arriba a les 1000 hores de funcionament
Bomba d’aigua a pressió 3 kg
Dues bombes maceradores per a aigües grises d’1,5 CV cadascuna
MOTOR Iveco 8210tamd de 210 CV
Bomba contra incendis de 1,5 CV
Capacitat d’aigua negra i grisa 1.350 litres
molinet hidràulic amb dos ancoratges de 100 m. cadena. El sistema de vàlvules es va instal·lar el 2015. cadena del 2015. bomba hidràulica 2014. una altra cadena galvanitzada el 2015.
cap. Combustible 2.000 l.
propulsor de proa hidràulic
sistema hidro híbrid que redueix el consum i el CO2
descalcificador general d’aigua instal·lat l’any 2016
capacitat aigua 3.300 l. dipòsits de plàstic instal·lats el 2015/2016
inversor de 3000 watts


Visiteu totes les nostres embarcacions disponibles en aquest enllaç Vaixells a la venda

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Living on a Boat (Step 1)

Living on a Boat

As I search the web to ensure my take on the subject is unique, I see many exaggerated comments that are headline-grabbing hooks to get you to click and read. I would like you to read my article, but I will not say anything I have not experienced.

I have another post called Liveaboard a Boat that you might also find interesting.

Mindset to liveaboard

Lots to consider as to why you would choose a liveaboard lifestyle. You can probably step forward or backwards towards living on a boat if you question your motives carefully.lovely evening sunset Live-aboard

Do you suffer from depression or a phobia if you sleep in closed or small spaces? Most of us who enjoy boating is not worried; we find sleeping in a small cabin great, apart from sitting up in bed reading or getting in and out with a low ceiling.

If living in a confined space frightens you or triggers an alarm in your head, proceed with caution. You can overcome natural fears with logical thoughts, but if a fear of confined spaces turns you off, think again if living on a boat is for you.
My answer “I can very happily dig a hole in the ground and sleep, so long as I am warm, have a good airflow, I am happy and snug. I don’t need so much space when I am sleeping”.

Do you need lots of stuff on a boat?

This one is not so straightforward because most of us who live aboard accumulate loads of junk. Lockers fill before you know it”! The point is, can you live without your junk? “I don’t throw things away, I become very attached to my stuff, but I can live without it”. “I find the more I have, the more I want.” Strip back in your mind to the absolute minimum of what you need to survive. The answer should come back to a few food calories a day, access to clean, fresh water, and a feeling of healthy being. A feeling of the well is the goal for life aboard a boat.
Ok, apart from the obvious question, do I get seasick when I am in a confined place? Then, in my opinion, if the answer to that question is no, I don’t get seasick, you are good to go!

Plan A Location for your boat.

Based on considerations of your personal needs, for this article’s sake, not becoming a book, let’s say you don’t have any other location needs than to be near your work. On that assumption, you can live on a boat for a considerable time before you declare this a permanent life choice. When I lived on a boat, I gave myself six months. I was fortunate a friend gave me the use of an almost new 15-metre Jeanneau Yacht. The cost was nothing but looking after it while trying to sell it. I felt happy I had achieved my personal goal when I moved on. Could you have just moved back home anytime? The answer to that question is no. I didn’t have a home then and was transitioning from the UK to Spain. I make no apologies for never eating alone on the yacht. I went out to eat two or three times a day. Life was good!

Not to move away from the topic, but this is the point. I never considered telling the Marina I was a liveaboard. Somebody might have said something in a year or so, but maybe not. There are lots of ways to consider a timeline for your liveaboard declaration. Suppose you are a so-called “professional” who gets up and goes to a job away from a Marina daily for work and keeps a reasonably tidy profile. In that case, you can easily manage a couple of seasons without issues. The only issue is getting a post box, which can be tricky. Indeed, you need to register as a resident if you are abroad to stay legal.

Location Location Location

The location of your boat is an interesting point that we can dwell on a little. Living on a Boat can be much like living in a busy neighbourhood. You might be someone who keeps yourself reasonably quiet. At some point, you will start talking to others around the Marina. The odd thing is how long it takes to get to know people. And how uninterested people are with each other. You will surely notice others on boats when most are away or living at home (most mid-week times), but again, a few months R&R away from home is perfectly normal. Marina operators become aware of individuals who appear to be different. Perhaps your boat starts to acquire a liveaboard look. Lots of unused stuff lying around on the deck or looks a little untidy. The Marina might then question you about living aboard, but that could be a year or two from when you decided to make the boat your home. Have in your mind living on board is temporary, or be prepared to be rejected by many Marina if you declare this from the beginning.

What is the problem with living on my boat in the Marina?

Almost all Marina operations provide temporary space for individuals. Marinas could not cope if nobody went home. At peak times, almost every Marina struggles to provide adequate facilities for all berth holders. Therefore, if you are permanently living on board, you might be ejected and not understand why. On the positive side, most Marina operators look the other way to live aboard’s. As you become part of the Marina community, if you fit in with the look and feel of the space you occupy, you will most likely find no one cares or questions how long you stay on your boat. After all, it is not a concern, provided the Marina operator does not get complaints.

We have a very active liveaboard population in Port Ginesta, Barcelona. The Marina is close enough to the city for travelling to work each day, giving space and distance from the bustling city.

We recently moved to a bigger office and can now be found in the new part of Port Ginsta amongst the bigger yachts. If you want to become a yacht broker by joining our Group, please get in touch with us to learn more.

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