Sell your boat with the help of a yacht…
- May 3, 2023July 10, 2023
- by LC Studio Web
It is highly convenient to count on the collaboration of a yacht broker. yacht broker when you do not have the time or the dedication necessary to carry out the the sale of a boat.
If you do not wish to assume these responsibilities, the easiest way to do so is to contact a yacht broker to help you with the sale of your boat.
The yacht brokers focus on achieving a successful and satisfactory transaction for both parties, buyer and seller.
These specialists offer a wide range of services, from advice on setting the most appropriate price for your boat for sale, to complete administrative management.
It is common for yacht brokers specialize in a particular type of used boats, either by geographical area or by length.
How to sell your boat with the help of a yacht broker
Selling a boat can be a difficult and tedious task, especially if you have no experience in the industry. If you are short on time or prefer not to handle the sale of your boat directly, you can seek the help of a yacht broker to ensure that the process runs efficiently and successfully.
In this article, we tell you everything you need to know about how to sell a boat with the help of a yacht broker.
selling a boat with the help of a yacht broker.

What do yacht brokers do?
Yacht brokers are experts in the sale of boats, as they are dedicated to promoting and protecting the interests of their boat owning clients. These intermediaries act on behalf of the seller and agree on a series of services and conditions in order to sell the vessel in the shortest possible time and at the best price.
In addition to advertising the boat so that it becomes known to many potential buyers, they are also in charge of conducting effective negotiations, eliminating obstacles that may arise in the sales process.
Its objective is to facilitate the sale and reach an agreement that benefits all parties involved.
How can a yacht broker help you sell your boat?
1- Helping you define the right price for your boat
To ensure a good sale, it is essential to define an appropriate selling price. By using the services of a broker, you can be sure that your boat will be properly valued in the market.
This is because the broker has access to confidential information, such as the actual selling prices of boats similar to yours, which are not available to the general public. Therefore, the broker is able to determine a fair and competitive price for your boat.
2- Advertising your boat in the most appropriate way
Your broker will prepare a plan to advertise your boat on the most visible portals, such as Yachtworld, Cosas de Barcos or TopBoats, among others.
The broker can recommend different methods of reaching potential buyers that go beyond online portals. Depending on the type of boat, he can suggest additional strategies to reach the right audience with your ad.
One of these strategies can be to send the advertisement to potential buyers by e-mail, in order to increase the chances of selling your boat. The broker’s main objective is to help you find the right buyers for your boat, using all available resources.
In our case, we publish on more than 20 specialized platforms:

3- Preparing the boat for sale
The broker can advise you on improvements you can make to make your boat more attractive to the market. He will assist you in identifying problems and offer solutions for both the maintenance and decoration of your boat.
In addition, he will be able to arrange for repairs and suggest finding a mooring or slipway to make the boat more accessible during the sales period.
4- Respond to inquiries from interested parties
The figure of the nautical broker is essential both to filter interested and curious people and to respond to the consultations of both, saving you time and avoiding false illusions.
It is important to distinguish between these two types of stakeholders because answering questions and providing detailed information can be a major effort. If you spend a lot of time answering questions from people who have no real intention of buying, you can waste valuable time and perhaps even lose a real sales opportunity.
This is where the fundamental role of the yacht broker comes into play. nautical broker. A good broker will know how to distinguish between the genuinely interested and the curious, and will be able to filter the inquiries so that you only have to deal with people who are genuinely interested in buying your boat.
In addition, the nautical brokers have in-depth technical knowledge of the vessels and can answer detailed and specific questions that other interested parties may not understand. This means that even if someone is genuinely interested in buying, a broker can handle most inquiries and leave you time to handle other important tasks related to the sale of your boat.
5 - Visits to the ship
Moreover, if the ship is far from your home, this service is even more valuable.
6- Manage all administrative aspects
A yacht broker can take care of all the formalities related to the sale, from inspections to sea trials, as it is common for buyers to request these measures in order to know the condition of the boat.
Problems may arise during testing and inspection, but an experienced broker knows how to handle the situation and achieve a fair and mutually beneficial negotiation. In addition, the broker’s intermediation can be key in the agreement between seller and buyer.
7- Transfer formalities and tax filings
A yacht broker has a thorough knowledge of the security legislation and documents required for the transfer of ownership of a boat, including title deeds, purchase and sale contracts, taxes and more.
In addition to being experts in selling boats, brokers also offer management services to help you through the whole process and make the end of the sale even more satisfying, especially if your time is limited or you don’t want to add more complications to your life.

Broker's services and commission
If you choose to sell your boat with the assistance of a nautical brokeryou will have an expert in the market who will transmit confidence to potential buyers.
You as the seller can decide which services you want to hire, such as whether you prefer the broker to show the boat or whether you will do it yourself. You can also opt for the broker to take care of the maintenance and cleaning of the boat for buyers’ visits.
In some cases, the broker may accept the boat as part payment for the purchase of a new one. You can also choose whether to agree the sale exclusively with one broker to pay a lower commission or to use several brokers.
The broker will require documentation proving ownership of the boat, its maintenance and any other relevant documents to ensure that the sale goes smoothly and without delays. If you do not have the necessary documentation, the broker can help you find the best solution for this type of inconvenience.
For more information about: documentation and taxes in the sale of a boat, please contact us.
We hope you have enjoyed this article and that it has helped you to understand in more detail what our work consists of.
Have a great sailing, and see you on the high seas!