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Vaixells en venda

Van der Heijden Preciosa Ketch de vela de 57…

Van der Heijden Preciós Ketch de vela de 57 peus venut per Network Yacht Brokers Barcelona

Aquest bell Ketch de vela de 57 peus de Van der Heijden va ser construït a Holanda el 1987. Actualitzat contínuament durant els últims 15 anys per l’últim propietari, el nou propietari ha optat per un canvi d’estil de vida; estem segurs que gaudirà del seu nou iot

Des que es va posar en servei, el iot només ha tingut dos antics propietaris, no és un vaixell de vela ràpida, però mantindrem els nous propietaris segurs en totes les condicions meteorològiques. Ha creuat l’Atlàntic dues vegades i ha passat vuit anys navegant pel Carib. Fes una ullada al voltant d’aquest fantàstic iot .

Els millors desitjos i molts feliços anys de navegació a l’orgullós nou propietari de part de tots de Network Yacht Brokers Barcelona

es ven ketch de vela

Bedouin és un bonic KETCH de fusta única de 57 peus construït el 1987 a Holanda pel constructor holandès de iots de luxe Dik Van der Heiden.

El disseny és de la ploma d’un famós dissenyador De Vries Lentsch que va començar com a constructor i dissenyador de vaixells de rem de fusta al port d’Amsterdam. Aquest iot s’ha actualitzat contínuament durant els últims 15 anys, amb factures disponibles.

Treballs principals:
– el motor es va reconstruir el 2019
– coberta d’autocar de teca el 2019
– coberta de teca el 2014
– mànegues de direcció hidràulica bomba x ram el 2019
– radar per al traçador de cartes el 2019
– nevera el 2018
– Cuina de gas el 2018

El casc del vaixell està construït amb un sistema epoxi oest de 40 mm de gruix. Al saló, hi ha una mostra tallada del casc. Està al costat de la unitat de música. Fa 10 cm x 10 cm. El casc és de triple planxa modelat en fred.

Últim antifouling 2019
Darrera vegada fora de l’aigua 2019

Comentaris addicionals del propietari actual 20/08/2021

Sóc el segon propietari del beduí; va ser construïda pel seu primer propietari, Dick Van Der Heijden, a Holanda. El beduí no és un vaixell de vela ràpid en el veritable sentit, sobretot si navega contra un iot de quilla d’aleta. El beduí va ser construït per a la circumnavegació, no per a les carreres. Va dir que fa un moment perfecte en les travessies oceàniques de Cap Verd a Trinitat en 17 dies. Bedouin és un iot que porta molt vent; ella carrega alegrement amb un vent de 25 nusos tot el dia. He travessat Biscaia en força nou, no és que m’he proposat… però el temps no sempre fa el que voldríem. Els beduïns van gestionar aquesta travessa sense problemes; també ha creuat l’Atlàntic dues vegades sota la meva propietat i unes quantes vegades en mans del seu antic propietari.

He tingut beduïns al Carib durant vuit anys, navegant amunt i avall per l’illa amb els meus fills petits a bord.

És una plataforma segura i àmplia per a famílies que naveguen en un excel·lent vaixell de vida. A més, la calefacció central està a bord si viatgeu a climes més freds. Per descriure les seves característiques de navegació en 15 a 25 nusos, és com un tren sobre rails rígid i còmode.
Tinc alguns dibuixos, però són per al vaixell de la seva germana, que té una cabina de popa. Els cargols de la quilla són originals; si no, no els he substituït. No hi ha podridura de la fusta; la coberta es va substituir fa menys de cinc anys a St Maarten i es va col·locar sobre una gruixuda capa marina.

El casc és de fusta dura brasilera, d’un gruix mínim de 4 centímetres. Va ser construït amb el sistema West Epoxy.

Fa dos anys, a Palma, vaig tornar a muntar la coberta del sostre de popa juntament amb el marc del parabrisa Banc de bateria, bateria d’arrencada del motor i bateria del grup electrògen; es va reconstruir el motor, juntament amb un nou traçador de cartes i un nou sistema de radar. S’han substituït el ram de direcció i totes les mànegues hidràuliques. Tot el treball anterior es va fer simultàniament.
La cuina s’ha equipat recentment amb una nevera i una cuina noves; hi ha un congelador a bord.
He mantingut constantment el vaixell actualitzat en els últims anys.




Costa de València Espanya

València és Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències

Partit Nacional ValènciaLa Comunitat Valenciana es troba a la costa sud-est d’Espanya. Una de les ciutats més antigues, maques i la tercera més poblada d’Espanya després de Madrid i Barcelona. No obstant això, el barri de Mislata a la Costa de València, Espanya, és la zona més densament poblada d’Espanya. Va ser conquerida l’any 138 aC pels romans i posteriorment ocupada pels visigots i els moriscos. L’any 1982, amb l’Estatut d’Autonomia Valencià, la província es va integrar a la Comunitat Valenciana. La Costa de València, Espanya, és una Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències, plena d’història però amb alguns racons futuristes a les seves estructures, amb un museu interactiu, un oceanari i un planetari.

València és una de les ciutats més grans d’Espanya.

València Espanya (art i ciències)Un passeig en barca pel parc de l’Albufera, rutes de senderisme i una reserva d’aiguamolls és una de les moltes activitats que podeu trobar. València és una de les ciutats més grans d’Espanya pel que fa al clima, amb boniques platges per gaudir de l’experiència de llogar un xàrter nàutic a València a Eivissa o Formentera . O, si tens pensat comprar un vaixell o un iot, trobaràs 33.500 ofertes (catamarans, embarcacions a motor, velers, iots d’ocasió, basses) a la Costa de València, Espanya.
La ciutat portuària de València es troba entre el riu Túria i el mar Mediterrani. És el quart port més transitat d’Europa i el més gran d’Espanya i de la conca del mar Mediterrani.

Paella Valenciana EspanyaLa beguda a València és Aigua de València, i els seus ingredients (suc de taronja acabat d’esprémer, cava, vodka, ginebra i molt de gel) no tenen res a veure amb el nom. L’orxata també és molt popular però natural, feta amb xufa (també conegut com xufa). Aquesta tubercule creix als camps d’Alboraya, un petit poble al nord de València. I no m’oblido de la Dieta Mediterrània: La famosa Paella Valenciana.

Sant Josep.

Sant Josep València EspanyaValència mostra amplis llistats de la UNESCO. Flamenc, Torre Humana, Festa Major de Déu de la Salut, Pintures d’art rupestre mediterrani, L’obra de misteri d’Elx, Palmerar d’Elx, Festa de les Falles, Tribunal de l’Aigua de la Plana de València, Itinerari Cultural del Vi i la Vinya Ciutats mediterrànies, i la dieta mediterrània.
En els últims anys, esdeveniments esportius internacionals crítics com l’America’s Cup i el Gran Premi de Fórmula 1 van situar València al mapa mundial. Les Falles és una gran festa a València. 19è dia de música forta, menjar deliciós, il·luminació del carrer, concerts de petards i art temporal, on turistes i locals es reuneixen cada març per honrar el patró dels fusters de la ciutat, Sant Josep.
Ciències i art ValènciaUna altra celebració nacional és al juliol, The Flower Battle. A continuació, l’agost La Tomatina. Un partit de lluita que enfonsa amb tomàquets el petit poble de Buñol. El 9 d’octubre es commemora les entrades a la ciutat de València del Rei Jaume, la Diada de la Comunitat Valenciana, i la Diada de Sant Dionís, la versió local de Sant Valentí.
Per arribar a la ciutat, hi ha l’aeroport principal més proper a l’aeroport de València (VLC), Alacant (ALC/LEAL), Palma de Mallorca (PMI), Eivissa (IBZ) i Barcelona (BCN).
Si t’agrada la música, l’art i el bon menjar, València és la ciutat d’Espanya que has de veure!



Known as Venice of Spain

Entrance EmpuriabravaEmpuriabrava is a luxurious community in the municipality of Castelló d’Empúries. Found in the Gulf of Roses, surrounded by the Natural Park of the Aiguamolls de l’Empordà, is the largest residential marina in Europe. Built-in 1968 on a swamp, Empuriabrava was transformed into a tourist community, initially planned in 1964 and completed in 1975.

Crossing the French border to Spain by motorway using the AP-7 or national road N-II. Girona-Costa Brava is the nearest airport, an essential base for Ryanair and summer you could use a bus to the town. The major international airport Josep Tarradellas (Barcelona-El Prat), is located 160 km to the south, around two hours by car. To the north of the town, the aerodrome ICAO offers a variety of air sports with services for all levels of skydiving. 

Although the presence of bridges on most canals restricts the entry of motorized and sailing boats with an air draught (the height above the waterline) of more than 2.8 meters, still the 23 kilometres of navigable canals offers 5,000 moorings for all types of boats, 700 of which for boats up of 26meters in length.

At the marina of Empuriabrava, you could find several other marinas:

Empuriabrava parking boatsThe port of Roses with a capacity of 485 moorings. The Club Nautica L’Escala, which has 957 moorings for ships of up to 22 meters in length. Sant Carles Marina, which can accommodate up to 842 boats with a maximum length of 33 metres. The Nautic Estartit club has 680 moorings for yachts and boats. Calaf port (San Jordi) with a capacity of 324 moorings. The Alcaidesa Marina, with 624 moorings for boats from 8 to 90 metres in length.

A popular tourist destination

Plan EmpuriabravaA magnificent lakeside town on the Costa Brava, the Empuriabrava Marina is a popular tourist destination. You can find Luxury villas with private moorings and a swimming pool. These are the most expensive accommodations in the region. Properties are called “town house” or “fisherman’s houses. They are located along the canals, and each one has its own private mooring. Flats with access to the canal and moorings. There are more than 57 businesses, including nautical shops, restaurants and bars, charters, sales and maintenance-repair offices. Empuriabrava beach is awarded the distinctive Blue Flag, so you can enjoy your stay to the fullest. You can also practise sports such as windsurfing and kitesurfing, or charter a yacht thanks to the famous wind Tramontana. 

Empuriabrava, the unusual town in Costa Brava 

Informació d'embarcacions

Northwind Yachts Barcelona

Famous boatyard in the centre of Barcelona

Northwind Yachts’ famous boatyard was in the middle of Barcelona, Spain. The yard was once the proud producer of globetrotting yachts, and the boatyard remains a very usable space. Thankfully it is developing into a yacht repair yard which is an excellent use of this once fantastic facility.
Northwind’s old yard includes a fully equipped production hall measuring 60m in length x 30m wide x 23m high, offering unprecedented access to the Mediterranean Sea. An external esplanade measuring close to 12,000 square metres is also available for repairs and refit works and is now part of the Port Vela Marina development. Northwind Yachts had already sold its northern hall to the Barcelona World Race Foundation.

Shipyard repair and refit activities

North Wind Yachts Shipyard in Barcelona provides excellent opportunities for yacht construction, repair and refit activities, sales and brokerage through Marina Vela.
Network Yacht Brokers Barcelona (Network BCN) is keen to support Marina Vela in developing the old Northwind’s yard. (Network BCN).
Partner in Network BCN Rob Woodward says, “The site is located a few minutes away from Barcelona’s city centre and 15 minutes from the Barcelona international airport. The shipyard is located at the entrance of Barcelona Harbor, where yachts sailing to the private yachting clubs and marinas of Barcelona pass. This excellent infrastructure, including the “W”-Hotel, must be further developed”.

Please talk to us if you are considering selling a Motor Boat or Yacht. We work on a no-sale no, fee basis. So if we do not sell your boat, you decide you will not pay us anything. We are proud of the Testimonials page; they are genuine comments from boat buyers and sellers. Our Yacht Broker commission charges are the lowest in Spain because we are part of a large group of Profesional Brokers. We buy our marketing in bulk and get great deals on the website marketing space that we can pass on to you (the seller) through reduced commission charges. Visit our boats for sale page; we have Boats for sale in all price ranges.

Northwind Yacht Beautiful Teak DeckNorthwind Yacht Beautiful interior

Vaixells en venda

Oyster 54 Yacht Sold in Barcelona

Globetrotting Oyster 54 Yacht Sold

blue hull Oyster 54 plan seaSailing Yacht Oyster 54 For sale plan sea lift out of the waterSailing in windy water Oyster 54 Yacht For sale plan seaBoat yard Sailing Yacht Oyster 54 For sale plan sea

Lovingly maintained and exceptionally equipped by an owner with care on the globetrotting Yacht. Attention to detail was considered in every aspect of modification. Many of the owner’s upgrades were carried out by the Oyster Yacht factory in Southampton and Ipswich. Technical upgrades included changes to the LED lighting, sound and entertainment systems. Additions include a carbon gangway (passerelle).

This Yacht is presented in superb condition, and this Yacht has to be seen to be appreciated. The interior is finished in American light oak and created with handcrafted joinery. The final finish gives a sense of quality and craftsmanship that one would expect at this level of luxury yacht creation.

The rig is set up for short-handed sailing, offering a rewarding and exciting sailing experience for both skipper and crew.

Berthed in Gibraltar, this beautiful Yacht is ready to sail on her next adventure.

Currently fully winterised and ashore and available for survey inspection of all systems. No known faults exist, and everything is fully functioning. She is European VAT Paid with all papers in order.

General Accommodation Specification  

The accommodation comprises six berths in three cabins (excluding the saloon). The Interior is finished in white oak, supporting the Design concept to be modern yet practical and usable at sea. Features include sculpted fiddles with grab rails, ‘shadow-gap’ joints between panels and Oyster custom-made knobs for all lockers and drawers. In 2018 the teak cabin floor was replaced. Created by Dolphin Sails, Carpets also cover the sole boards in the saloon, galley, and owners’ stateroom. 

Surfaces in the Galley and heads are Avonite and Sandpiper coloured, whereas the headlining is vinylene. She is upholstered with covers in AAlcantaraand Amber glow. Lee screens are available on all berths.

Sailing Yacht Oyster 54 For sale plan sea SaloonBunk beds Sailing Yacht Oyster 54 For sale plan seaSaloon 2 Sailing Yacht Oyster 54 For sale plan seaMaster cabin bed Sailing Yacht Oyster 54 For sale plan seaEngine Sailing Yacht Oyster 54 For sale plan sea

A foam-backed vinyl saloon table cover protects the beautiful table wood. Curtains and blind systems are fitted in all cabins. Oceanair ‘Skyscreens’ are also fitted to all deck hatches with flyscreens to all opening hull and coach-roof ports.

Hella 24V fans in cabins and Galley affect a breeze when needed. 

Forward Double Cabin:
 Comprising of Centreline double berth. Hanging locker, shelf and stowage beneath the berth and access to the fore-deck via fore-hatch,

Twin Cabin: To starboard (bunk) with upper and lower berths. The stowage beneath the lower berth has a hanging locker and vanity unit with a drawer.

Foreward Heads:  To port fitted with a PAR Quiet flush electric toilet, washbasin and shower. Mirror, Lockers

Saloon:    L-shaped settee and table to starboard, and seating to port. A fold-over leaf table forms a large dining table when opened or an occasional table in its closed position. A stainless steel book rack in the starboard hull port recess. Locker for bottles, glasses and crockery. Bosch washer/dryer fitted in saloon table pedestal (service 2019) 

The Galley, situated transport, has ample storage. Access to the engine compartment. Oilskin hanging locker
Sinks: Twin stainless
Cooker: Force 10 gimballed stainless steel 4-burner gas cooker with grill and oven.
Microwave: Panasonic Combi oven and grill, new in 2013
Refrigerator: Front-opening stainless steel.
Navigation: To starboard with a forward-facing chart table. Bookrack and drawer. Access to engine room inboard

Owner’s Stateroom:

A large aft cabin with a double berth, slightly offset to port, with a custom high-quality composite foam mattress. Settee and dressing table/desk to starboard. Large hanging locker, plus several other lockers and drawers. En-Suite Heads To starboard with PAR Quiet Flush electric toilet, washbasin, and separate shower stall. Mirror. Lockers.


Hull number:     Oyster 54/01

Hull construction: Hull ‘custom’ laminates comprise a combination of E Glass, Kevlar and CarbonFibre, which offers significant weight savings, strength and stiffness advantages over normal GRP incorporated with balsa core above the waterline for additional strength, stiffness and insulation. Solid laminate below the waterline reinforced with stringers and floors.

Hull finish: Hull painted in Awlgrip Flag Blue with gold cove line and white double boot top lines 

Deck Construction: Moulded in GRP with Balsa Core. The deck finished is finished in teak. She has a self-draining teak-laid cockpit floor, with GRP low profile ‘roll edge’ bulwark.

Keel:  High performance (HPB) with external lead keel bulb

Rudder: Protected skeg-hung rudder

Stern design:  The stern design incorporates a bathing platform trimmed with teak slats and two tteak-filledstainless steel steps to access the stern deck and hot & cold shower.

EURCD  Built to comply with the latest requirements for Category A- Ocean

Engine: Yanmar 4JH4-HTBE 110Hp (81kW) four-cylinder turbo diesel

Propeller:     Gori 3-blade folding type.

Rope Cutter:  Ambassador 

Alternators:   80A 150Ah 150A/24V Mastervolt heavy duty

Generator:    Onan MDKAV 7 Kw 220v 50hZ

Bowthruster:  MaxPower CT 165 24V tunnel bow thruster, including eyebrow on the hull.

Air Conditioning:  220V Cruisair reverses cycle system (cold and hot), comprising 116,000 BTU units. 3 x air conditioning units: owner’s stateroom, saloon, and fore & side cabin Fully Serviced 2018

Watermaker:  Seafresh 204A 220VAC providing 72 litres/hour


Ships Supply:  24V

Remain:     220V 50Hz A.C. ring main with 5 x double, 3-pin Clipsal sockets located as appropriate within the layout  

Other Electrical Sockets:
12V Cigar lighter type socket at chart table

Batteries:     Domestic: 8 x 6V heavy-duty ‘deep-cycle batteries giving 440Ah, new in 2018.
 Engine start: 2 x 75A / 12V giving 150Ah, new in 2019
1 x generator starting, new in 2019

Battery Management
 Mastervolt 220V MASS 24V / 75A charger
Mastervolt Masterlink MICC – battery meter and remote panel
 Mastervolt Alpha Pro regulator
 Emergency Link

Inverter:     220V MASS sine inverter 24/2500

Shorepower:  30A 18m (60′) dockside power cable. Hubbell socket in the transom.
Second 30A shore power lead + 20m extension and socket for air conditioner

Interior Lighting:
 All interior lights from Calibra
PPre-bit-downlight LED chrome-over over reading areas, switchable and dimmable between red & white.
Reading I am reading or each berth.
LED lights under bunks and perimeter of owner’s bed, new in 2018
The LED light in companionway steps, new in 2013
 Automatic door lights to drinks locker and refrigerator
 Flexible chart table lamp switch red/ white LED
LED red/white to galley and chart table

Exterior Lighting:
 2 x LED boom lights over cockpit table, new in 2013
LED Up-lighters on upper and lower spreaders, plus down-lighter on lower spreaders only ( NEW 2019)
Aqua Signal LED navigation lights and steaming light, new in 2013
Aqua Signal deck light
Hella NaviLED Trio tri-colour with anchor light, new in 2017


Fuel:  850 litres approximately ( 187 imp/224 US gallons) in GRP tank

Water: 750 litres approximately ( 165 imp/198 US gallons) in GRP tank

Hot Water:  From an insulated tank of approximately 73 litres ( 16 imp/19 U.S. gallons) heated by the engine’s heat exchange or by thermostatically controlled 220V, 1.25kW immersion heater elements powered by the generator or dockside power.

Pressurised Hot & Cold Water Freshwater System
 Aqua Filter water purifying charcoal filter on galley cold supply.

Holding Tanks: Polypropylene gravity discharge holding tanks x 2, with Wema gauges.


Mast & Rigg Rig-slooploop

 Selden Furling mast, white painted with electric drive to in-mast furling
 Selden solid rod kicker/vang
Hydraulic Holmatro integral backstay adjusted
Folding mast steps x 2 close to the masthead
‘No Strike’ ion dissipators x 2 at the masthead
Inner forestay chainplate and mast fitting fitted for the storm jib.
Standing rigging 1 x 19mm stainless steel Dyform wire
Mast was removed and fully serviced in 2015

Mainsail Furling: Selden

Headsail Furling: Selden Furlex manual headsail furling system

Winches:       Lewmar – self-tailing;

              2 x #65 CEST electric 2-speed primaries

              1 x #46 CST mainsail reefing on mast

              1 x #48 CEST electric mainsheet

              2 x #50 2-speed main and genoa halyard on mast

              2 x #16 CST mainsheet traveller

Spinnaker Gear: 
 Spinnaker pole and rigging attached to the mast. Package includes chainplates, deck fittings, halyard, topping lift, pole lift, single sheet, buy fore guy and all required blocks.

Sails:         By  North Sails

             Mainsail in Dyneema, new in 2014 (hardly used)

             Genoa in Dyneema, new in 2014 (hardly used)

             Fully cleaned by North Sails in 2019, new sails in production to be added by Dolphin Sails

             MPS Cruising Chute with a squeezer



Compasses: S.I. R.S. Major 150mm steering compass

Sailing Instruments:

           Raymarine ST60+, including Speed, Depth, Log and Analogue Wind Speed/Direction

Radar/     Raymarine E120 system at chart table with 4kW radar

Chart Plotter/GPS

           Raymarine E80 repeater mounted in Navpod at the forward end of the cockpit.

Autopilot:   Raymarine ST6002

Windex:    Windex and wind vane at masthead

Navtex:    Furuno NX 300 at chart table, linked to PC

VHF Radio:  Raymarine 240E D-DSC VHF, and additional VHF and speaker at the pedestal, new 2013

SSB Radio:  Icom

Satellite Phone:

           Iridium Extreme 9575 satellite phone, the latest model (serviced 2019 by Iridium) with a docking station and all accessories for a transatlantic passage

           P.C.:        ASA notebook on the cradle in chart table with separate wireless keyboard and mouse. Router to enable fWi-FiWi-F. A fully integrated, marine-grade antenna with a Wi-Fi booster and n integrated USB cable will fit into Yacht. 


Sound System: 

            J.L. Audio, including new speakers in the saloon and cockpit. Fusion CD/DVD/ iPad system, with an upgraded amplifier, 150 Watts per channel for cockpit speakers

Television:   Sony 17″ new in 2019, slides away into the cupboard above the freezer. Status 330 antennae with 12V amplifier for digital T.V. & F.M. radio

Deck Layout and Equipment:

Anchor:     CQR 34Kg main anchor with 100m 12mm chain + 30m warp. Fortress lightweight folding ketch anchor with 10m chain and 50m warp.

Windlass:   Lewmar V4 electric anchor windlass – capstan on deck.Remote-controlled anchor windlass control

Deck Access: Mainship gateway stanchions. Gate to pushpit. Stainless steel folding transom-hung bathing ladder. Socket in top transom rung for passerelle. 

Hatches  Oyster custom drop-down washboard system.Lewmar ally-framed deck hatches. Gebo alloy-framed coaming portlights. Gebo opening hull ports x 8. Lewmar portlight from the cockpit to the Galley.

Please tell us if you are considering selling a Motor Boat or Yacht. We work on a no-sale no, fee basis. So if we do not sell your boat, you decide you will not pay us anything. We are proud of the Testimonials page; they have genuine comments from boat buyers and sellers. Our Yacht Broker commission charges are the lowest in Spain because we are part of a large group of Profesional Brokers. We buy our marketing in bulk and get great deals on the website marketing space that we can pass on to you (the seller) through reduced commission charges. Visit our boats for sale page; we have Boats for sale in all price ranges.

Vaixells en venda

Lagoon 500 Catamaran Sold

Lagoon Catamaran Yacht For Sale secure on pontoon Lagoon 500 CatamaranWe have a beautiful Lagoon 500 Catamaran Yacht for sale based in the Canary Islands, Spain. She has only had two owners from New and has been used for charter during the last year and a half. Before being coded for charter, the boat was used privately.

A Lagoon 500 Catamaran combines a great aesthetics look with legendary performance offering a level of comfort only found in much larger boats.

This particular Lagoon Catamaran is fully equipped for ocean cruising. Manoeuvrability is effortless; from the Flybridge, there is good visibility, and the two 80-hp Yanmar engines provide good power. The engines were replaced in 2017 and have been done at the time of recording 1500 hours. The sails, the lazy bag, and the bow net have recently been renewed. The owner says this boat is in excellent condition and ready to be used. She is kept in excellent order and used only for local charter in the Canary Islands. Viewings are available through Network Yacht Brokers.

Two Yanmar engines were replaced in 2016 at 1500 hrs.
Fuel Con. (GPH) 1 mph
Range 200
Fix Propeller
Sea Water Cooling System
2x500L Fuel Tanks
The engines are far from the living areas and perfectly insulated to be as quiet as possible.

General Equipment

Electric marble watermaker
Electrically motorized winches
Bimini awning on the flybridge
Gas Detector
Boarding Ladder
2 manual and 4 electric bilge pumps
6 fenders
Navigation Lights


220v port power input
220 V and 8,800 W generator KOHLER 739,43 hrs.
Mastervolt Inverter 12V to 220V 5,000W
Two Mastervolt battery chargers of 80 A each
Eight Batteries 12v 1350 the amo year 2016
Engine Alternator

Raymarine Electronics

GPS E120 Interfaced
Autopilot interfaced
Audio equipment
Battery control unit
Echo Sounder Raymarine
Wind Instrument Interfaced
Plotter Raymarine c120
Epirb McMurdo
Log Raymarine

Deck equipment:

Anchor windlass and 75 m chain of 14mm
Rope 10 meters 32 mm

Safety Equipment

Life raft
12 Life Jackets
11 Fire Extinguishers


It has a main (2020) and Genoa (2011)
Lazy bag renewed in 2019
Two Genoa Harken winches Self-tailing


Spanish flag with taxes paid
Currently on the 6th list
Ready for commercial use


State of exceptional conservation
Replacement of two Yanmar 80 hp engines year 2016
Renovation of upholstered mattresses year 2016

Page and posts  / Network Yacht Brokers Barcelona home page. /  Commercial boats for sale 

Vaixells en venda

Doqueve Motor Boat Sold

Fun in the sun

Doqueve Motor Boat. We have a lovely Family cruising motor yacht for sale with excellent accommodation if you are looking Evening flybridge motor yacht Doqueve Motor Boat for a place in the sun. Great for weekends out in the bay or exploring the coast. Made by Doqueve, a respected Spanish boat builder, the yacht has been in Spain since purchased new. All the papers are correct, with VAT documents as required. The current owner bought the yacht in December 2019 and has gone out sailing only once since then. She has been used as an apartment in the Mediterainina for the rest of the time. The engine was last serviced in October 2019—antifouling and hull check in May 2021. The owner is selling because he wants to buy a bigger boat. Available for viewings in Port Ginesta.

Follow the link to the boat specification Motor Boat for sale.

More Page links and Post / Boats for sale Port Ginesta  /  the Destiny of a Yacht / Jeanneau Factory /

Informació d'embarcacions

What is the Diesel Bug and How Can You…

Microbial contamination of diesel by Rob Woodward 

Diesel bugs are the most significant cause of a diesel engine breakdown. Sure, It’s not the only cause of your engine stopping, but it’s right up there with things you don’t want to happen and can be easily avoided.
You’re very unlikely to suffer this fuel problem in your diesel car or truck because the fuel in your car passes through the system relatively quickly. Diesel bug is often found in boats’ fuel tanks with low fuel flow (not used daily).

My Background

I started sailing in 1992, and my hobby quickly became an obsession. In 1996, I moved to the coast and opened a marine engineering business in North Wales, UK. Before that, I owned a motor repair shop, having served an apprenticeship as a Deisel Mechanic looking after a fleet of trucks.
I owned several yachts over the years. I always modified the fuel system on my boats to avoid getting caught by the Deisel bug problem.

So what’s the long-term fix?

Some boat owners use a Deisel bug treatment, and I recommend adding this to your boat fuel tank as a precaution when buying a used boat or yacht. Plenty of good products exist on the Deisel bug filtermarket; it takes little research to find a good one. Diesel bug treatment is not a long-term fix, so you must know if the problem reoccurs. My suggestion will warn you about diesel bug infection and save you the inconvenience of sampling fuel during your daily engine checks for water contamination, the other major cause of boating breakdowns.

The solution is to fit a Glass Bowl Water Trap in the fuel line. It is a necessary upgrade; I wish it were an optional extra from new on all diesel-powered boats.

Once upon a time, It was common practice to fit a Glass Bowel Water Trap in engine compartments. Regulations have stopped manufacturers from doing this. My understanding is they are considered this practice to be a fire hazard. The jury is still out on that rule, especially now that modern water traps have become more fireproof. To remain legal, If you want to upgrade your boat or yacht, the water trap must be outside the engine space unless someone can tell me otherwise.
A decent engineer will find a safe place for the modification that’s legal and accessible. Probably good practice to keep the existing water trap and pre-filter system that will be most likely be housed in the engine compartment.

Canister water traps

canister water trapIf you are happy to sample a small amount of fuel from a canister-type filter, that’s your choice, but remember, every time you open the fuel system to drain down a sample, you will potentially allow air into the fuel system (and that’s not good).  The other big no-no about taking a sample is Diesel stinks; it’s like fixing your bike in your home’s kitchen. To see half a litre of fuel without disturbing it or contaminating the results within a glass bowl is so simple. This is the fastest way to ensure you have no worries about the fuel supply on your boat. A glass bowl water trap can also be the first item to look at if your engine starts to stutter. If you get water in the fuel, it will show up in seconds.

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Yacht Broker Job

My experience (Rob Woodward)

Become a Yacht Broker. It all started for me over thirty years ago, launching my 21-foot Coribee Yacht called “Banana Split” for the first time, messing about and then being horrified during recovery. It fell off the trailer! Shortly after this low point, my hobby became an obsession and a profession.

Join us to become a Yacht Broker.

I got my second Yacht, “Kuan Yin”, a 36-foot sailing ketch. Owning a bigger boat than a daysailer, I felt the scale of responsibility shift from forgivable and expected to the stuff of nightmares. Mistakes were going to be expensive! I realised quickly I needed help and knowledge. So, I set about getting every boating qualification I could. Circumstances fell into place (as once in a lifetime they do for a lucky few). I was allowed almost unrestricted access to my daily drug of boats and boating. I was finally selling everything to buy a Yacht Broker’s business. This was only the start of my Yacht Brokers’ life.

Five years of experience around boats is enough.

Lots of trades have an established path that delivers the ultimate goal. The Marine industry does not offer a set path to becoming a Yacht Broker. However, five years of working around boats and then learning to become a Yacht Broker is a standard route.

The most obvious candidates to slip into a job as a Yacht Broker will be ex-charter skippers or Super-yacht crews. Besides, understanding boats, skippers and crew will have mixed with people who bought a boat or might be considering buying one. Nothing strange about people who buy boats and yachts, but they are more likely to be engaged in an exciting conversation with a Broker who has boating experience. If you are a boat owner with sales experience, transferring your skills to become a yacht broker is easy, just so long as an established Brokerage supports you while you learn the trade.

Happy customers

Boat buyers don’t need to share all the circumstances of how they became lucky to afford such a luxury as a boat or yacht. Therefore, a Yacht Broker does not need to sell the idea of buying a boat to a client.

Boats for sale in Barcelona

A broker’s primary job involves sitting between two parties, getting to a deal and ensuring fair play between buyer and seller to the best of his ability. It’s the seller that pays the Brokers fee. However, the Broker is very aware when the old owner has gone; the Broker is left supporting the buyer.

Our testimonials page

Selling in a more traditional sense occurs when a new boat is sold (the subject of a future blog). It is indeed subtly different from a Yacht broker’s job.

Working for yourself as a Broker

Generally, unless you are part of a more prominent organisation that supports you through tough times, Simply starting as an independent  Broker will not work. Building up a portfolio of boats that will sustain your overheads is almost impossible. If you can fund three to four years in a Great location, you might be able to build a Yacht Brokerage business. In my opinion, anyone selling a franchise operation where you don’t own a stake in that business will always be the winner, and you will be nothing more than a tool that helps the franchise grow.

Sell your boat with us.

Joining a Cooperative offers the benefits of a large organisation. All the rewards of your hard work as an individual business stay with you. Helping us all to build the brand has significant advantages in the future. Existing Network Yacht Brokers businesses have been sold to new owners wanting to enter the industry. The right to sell an existing licence to operate as a Network Yacht Broker is a fundamental principle of the Group. We also allow some selected partner companies to grow a brokerage using the Group brand as part of their business, provided they follow basic brand guidelines.

How I Became a Yacht Broker, follow this link to a video. 

Is it a young man’s game? Become a Yacht Broker

Of all the mistakes I made, becoming a Yacht Broker was not one of them. As a mature person, I have life skills that I can pass on to the next generation. My customers tend to be similar to me, although I notice they are getting younger, which is odd. When I started as a Broker, my clients were much older than me. Anyway, I will work that one out when I retire… haha.

The point is you can become a Yacht Broker at any age. Essential qualifications are a passion for boats and a love of people. Honesty will sustain your career. Getting that first break is tough. My advice is, “Never Give Up”! I have trained plenty of young Brokers, who became my friends.

February 2021, if you want info about Jobs in our Group, please get in touch with us. I note that several companies are currently advertising a Yacht Broker Job. Perhaps you are thinking of setting up a business as a Yacht Broker? Talk to me; many opportunities exist in Medditerrainain if you fancy setting up your own company.

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Boat for Sale Barcelona

We have boats for sale at Network Yacht Brokers waiting for you.

This post by Network Yacht Brokers Barcelona will bring you up to speed with last season’s events and offer a personal perspective on the current boats for sale Spanish Yacht and Boat market.

Covid restrictions during 2020.lovely sunset barcelona 55 Boats for Sale

Despite steady boat buyers, we have seen fewer international boat owners this year. Some people have been brave and relied on our walk-around detailed video before making a final buying offer. Others have ignored travel advice and found a way to get to Spain. Interesting to note that Spanish buyers have been out in force looking at boats for sale this year despite the pandemic.

Boat for sale in Barcelona.

When travel restrictions get lifted, we are in a unique geographical position. Our buyers will once again travel the globe to visit Barcelona. We sold some boats that left for America, and it is worth noting that we expect to open our first Network Yacht Brokers office in the USA very soon.

It certainly seems that where there is a boat for sale, a buyer will find it thanks to our incredible marketing system. That same system has been the focal point of considerable interest across the water. I will keep you posted as things develop.

New Network Yacht Brokers Offices.

Despite Covid, our Group has grown. In one year, we opened six new Network Yacht Brokers offices. The offices are in Dover Kent, Gosport, Portsmouth, Bristol, Cows Isle of White, and East Anglia. By pushing forward with our plans to expand our Group, we will bring you the best boats and yachts for sale from around Europe. Our appeal goes out to an international boat buyers market.

Sophisticated marketing tools sell boats.

Once upon a time, we would gather and plan three months of magazine advertising. We were always rushing to get photographs developed and sent to publishers. That was almost thirty-five years ago when “boats for sale” could be a shipwreck. We still sell old boats, and some need lots of refurbishment, but GRP has generally taken over the leisure markets.

Don’t misunderstand. Aluminium and Steel will always have a place in marine applications but are becoming even more expensive to construct and less prevalent in the marketplace.

Whatever material it’s made from, we will find a buyer If you have a “boat for sale” on our system. A boat placed on our sale system is exported automatically to multiple specialist web platforms. Buyers travel worldwide to visit our boats safely in the Knowledge that our Brokers are professional and operate from within marina locations. Our sophisticated computerised sharing system allows our brokers to reach all parts of the globe. A buyer can find it advertised within a few hours of listing a boat or yacht for sale.

It is a point to remember that no matter how sophisticated systems are, real people sell boats and can never be replaced.

Barcelona a Great City to visit

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