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Weather Forecast Barcelona Best Time To Visit

Best Time to Visit Barcelona.

Compared to many other places globally, have you ever wondered why Weather Forecast Barcelona is often inaccurate? How can it be so in this day and age? So when is the best time to visit?

A straightforward answer to all weather-related questions for Barcelona is impossible; the subject is vast, and my knowledge is limited. However, I am happy to share some of my observations as a sailor living in Barcelona for several years. I hope my experience answers your basic questions on the subject.  

“Google”. “Weather Forcast Barcelona.” or “weather forecast Barcelona best time to visit.”

I can answer that general weather question if it refers to late spring or early summer. ” The Weather in Barcelona is amazing“! Any other time apart from mid-summer, when it’s hot hot hot, is excellent! The weather forecast for Barcelona and the surrounding area is incredibly complex, so change your “Google” question to  “Weather Forcast Barcelona City Centre” (or district). This will work better as It’s impossible to generalise all areas in Barcelona.


lovely sunset barcelona 55 Weather Forecast Barcelona

A few basics might help you understand my point.

When discussing the Weather forecast in Barcelona, we should consider this a general statement covering an area of more than 100 kilometres. Only in summer can a forecast be nearly correct for every Barcelona area.

More about weather forecasting in Barcelona.

Long summer days when weather systems follow a regular pattern in Spain are not particularly interesting. Hot summers on the beach anywhere in Catalonia can be enjoyed and predicted by everyone. Winter weather in Barcelona and surrounding areas is fascinating. To make a point in this post, let’s skip summer forecasting. 

Autumn in Barcelona.

At the end of summer, the weather transforms overnight from very settled and predictable to often violent, with a much more complex mood as the first snow falls across the Pyrenees. After the snow, winds and storms across the area are massively affected by ice-cold air descending from the mountains. That air crashes into the warm air rising from the Mediterranean Sea. The winds are called mistral and affect many parts of southern France. They play havoc with incoming weather systems even during the summer months, as the air on the top of the mountains is always chilled. Roses in Northern Spain and the coast road in France near Spain’s border often have strong wind warnings even when the weather is relatively calm a few miles away.

September 2020 saw headlines appearing announcing the onset of early snow in the Pyrenees, a sure sign of a long cold winter in Barcelona.

“Early snowfall during September 2020 across French mountain ranges.”

Storm in Barcelona Weather best time to visitSnow has fallen in the Pyrenees very early this year, causing temperatures to drop significantly, leaving a “remarkable” amount of snow forcing some roads to close.”

So, we can blame the early snow in the Pyrenees for the long cold winter in Barcelona! It might be possible to correctly track the weather events that triggered this unpredicted snowfall in September 2020. Indeed one might even look deeper and consider the weather patterns associated with El Niño and global warming.

What is El Niño?

El Niño is the name given to the warm phase of the Global Southern Temperature Oscillation associated with a warm ocean water band. Simply put, El Niño is a cycle of warm and cold sea surface temperatures (Warm water develops in the central and east-central equatorial Pacific). 

As a result of the El Niño effect, all places on Earth have varied winters every few years. All other factors, including global warming, must be dropped into the weather mixing pot, resulting in an ever-changing and complex subject exaggerated greatly by local sea temperatures.

Local conditions are affected by the sea.

Let’s look at the bigger picture again, affecting the Mediterranean Sea. We all know that the oceans are affected by the moon’s daily gravitational pull. This effect is as it passes over us, and to a lesser degree, the sun’s track relating to the moon. Before you think I have lost the plot, please stay with me. We will get back to Barcelona’s local weather in a moment! 

I am sure you know the sun and moon have little effect on tidal flows in the Mediterranean. This lack of tidal flow in the Mediterranean happens because the land is less attracted to the sun or moon. Therefore, as we do not have such a tidal water flow in the Mediterranean, temperatures remain much more contained (The water stays warmer for longer). 

When the warm Mediterranean Sea air rises towards the land, it meets Icy cold air falling from the fresh snow on the Pyranise Mountains. The energy created from this event creates localised storms, particularly over Barcelona and Spain’s lowlands.  

Global weather systems

High and low-pressure weather systems generally formed over the oceans travel the globe. As they circulate, powerful low-pressure forces bully dominant high-pressure systems. When all forces are mixed with local wind, forecasting must be very localised to be accurate at a given time.  

Barcelona is not unique, but temperatures and weather vary massively in populated local districts.  

To summarise, when considering a forecast request to “Google”. In the winter months for Barcelona, consider asking a more localised question. Remember, in Castelldefels or Sitges (south of the city centre), the weather can differ significantly from that found in Barcelona’s centre. Varied weather is one of the attractions of sailing in the area. Generally, we have excellent wind and warm days. Severe storms at sea usually happen during the winter months and are dangerous. If you plan to sail during the winter months in the Mediterranean, please look out for rapidly developing thunderstorms. Severe weather along coastal areas in Catalonia can quickly develop occasionally; forecasting is wrong.

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Liveaboard a Boat

Liveaboard a boat in a marina

I got you to question your ability to survive living on a boat in my first blog, “living on a boat“. I will add more detail to the questions I raised in all parts of the blogs later, but for now, I offer further thoughts in this blog I am calling Liveaboard.

Location Location Location

Port Ginesta Marina from droneSome say the marketing phrase “location location location” is used to death in the property world. Is it? Your business and home location are critical to success and happiness; moving is never straightforward and can prove financially crippling once you commit to a mortgage or rental contract.
Not being in the same place forever is perhaps not a consideration if you’re a Liveaboard; slip the lines, and you are off! Indeed this will be one of the factors you must consider if you’re getting out of the rat race. However, the reality is this; most people don’t move when they find a place they like. Generally, people put down roots and make a living in the local community. So your choice of location is critical in much the same way as if you were buying or renting a conventional home.

Up sticks and moves are always a pain, especially if you are a liveaboard. If you are already liveaboard specific questions about your following location will be running through your mind before you commit. Do I tell the new Marina I am a Liveaboard? Read my comments about registering as a Marina Liveaboard in my first blog Living on a Boat.

If you find a lovely Marina that ticks most of your boxes, try it for a while and learn from your mistakes.

Don’t get a horrible place in the Marina.

A challenge you will have to work on is whereabouts in a Marina will be happy.Yard Port Ginesta
A great Marina location is critical to your comfort, and you will soon learn where not to be based in a Marina. Unfortunately, a less-than-perfect location will undoubtedly be the spot the Marina will first offer you. This position will be in the exact horrible location for all new boat owners. It is true that busy Marinas only have limited space. They spend much time looking after existing tenants who regularly pay berthing accounts.

Paying on time or in advance for your berthing account is vital to the marina operator turning a blind eye if you become a liveaboard. It is undoubtedly the case; nobody wants a scruffy Tennant boat or owner who is always the last to pay his/her Marina bill in the Marina.

If you are moving to a Marina during the summer, a weather location is not your number one concern. If your choice of Marina is to stay in one that appears complete, cunning tactics must be applied to find a perfect location. A full blog will follow tactics that might help you find an excellent spot for your boat, briefly outlined below.

What has worked for me

A busy marina is hard to get into, or at least that’s what you think. Suppose I told you that I have never been refused a berth in a Marina at any time. I have cruised the Mediterranean and the UK extensively for over thirty years as a private individual, professional sailing instructor, and in the past twenty-odd years, as a yacht broker. I organised many cruises in-company, arranging berthing for over twenty visiting boats and yachts to stay in Marinas.

The golden rule is not to make it too hard for the individual offering to help, and remember, a Marina operator who wants your money will work with you from the start to find a perfect location. A little more local knowledge is needed if you arrange flotilla holidays and you want to raft twenty-odd boats, but one thing I learned. In the Marine world, flexibility and goodwill towards each other seem to be common themes that run through this fantastic industry.

Get in touch

If you want to rent a berth in Spain, email us. We will be happy to help and advise.
From our perspective, Port Gineata in Barcelona is a perfect location for us. We have sold and continue to rent many berths in our Marina. Our ideal location is far enough from Barcelona’s centre, so visiting is a treat. This location also gives us the advantage of being near Sitges Marina, one of the prettiest Marina locations in Mainland Spain on the Costa Garraf, about twenty kilometres from Port Ginesta.

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vender_barco_barcelona Corredors de iots

Atracada Marina en lloguer a Espanya

Marina Berth For Rent In Spain

We specialise in offering low-cost Marina Berth for rent in Spain. We will also provide information and help boat owners who want to buy or sell a boat or yacht in Spain. From our base in Port Ginesta Barcelona, well placed to negotiate the best terms for you; we always offer a lower price than the Marina tariff. Special terms are available for commissioning and transporting new and used boats.

About Catalonia

Barcelona is the principal city of Catalonia. Some argue it should be the capital of Spain. Madrid Beach and Port ginesta Marinaholds this City title, but for many years Barcelona has been the financial centre of Spain. Barcelona is also one of the most visited cities in Europe, with visitors coming from all points of the Globe. In the centre of Barcelona, the international language of English is widely spoken. One does not need to travel far from the city to find that the use of English fades and Catalan takes over. Spanish is also widely spoken in the region, but Catalan is the dominant language. Many countries have a dual language, which can be why fewer than other places in Spain learn English.
It is no secret that some Catalonian residents would like to operate independently from Spain. In recent years politics about this subject has held back the natural growth of this intellectual region.

The Costas

Costa Brava runs from the French border past Roses and Gerona to a point just North East of Barcelona. White sandy beautiful beaches adorn all the Costas (Coasts) in Spain, but few rivals the beaches’ beauty in Catalonia. Situated in the North East of Catalonia, the Costa Brava does suffer from a calm northerly wind. Cold air falling from the Pyrenees mountains during winter and spring can test and drive this chilled wind. Strong wind warnings are a feature of the Mistral along the southwest corner of France. The Coast along the Costa Brava is a little rockier than you will find as you progress south past Barcelona. Some of the bays in Costa Brava are beautiful.
Marina Berthing for rent is plentiful, from the mega-resort of Emporia Brava close to Roses to the simple Catalan marina with just a few local fishing boats.

Costa Del Maresme

Least well known and no doubt because Barcelona sits in this region and dominates the language. Relatively flatter and slightly industrialised, Costa Del Maresme has many first-class beaches and resorts. Marinas in Barcelona’s centre are very popular but more challenging than town locations. Pricing from one Marina to another varies a great deal. English is not always understood and can often result in a feeling that you’re not wanted through a phone inquiry.

Costa Garaf

Our home base, Port Ginesta, is the biggest marina in Catalonia, with over 1500 marina berths for rent, so you can always be sure of a warm welcome. Port Ginesta has a beach within the Marina complex, locally known as the private beach. This beach is small but is open to the public. Tucked away in the southern corner of Port Ginesta, it offers a degree of seclusion that the main beach of Casteldefells cannot give. It’s also travelling a little further along the coast to Sitges where more great beaches can be found.


The main beach in Castelldefels runs from Poort Ginesta Marina entrance for about 6 kilometres. A wide cycle path runs along the entire length of the beach. Apart from a short section, the cycle path is hidden from the road. Thousands of people visit the beach daily in the summer, and hundreds enjoy windsurfing. Next to the entrance of Port Ginesta, you can find a section of the sea for surfing where perfect waves crash onto the sandy beach. In the summer months, beach bars keep visitors refreshed and fed. All sorts of sports are available on Castelldefels Beach, from volleyball, windsurfing, dingy and cat sailing, or simply swimming in the warm waters of the Mediterranean.

Corredors de iots

Charter Companies Evolution after COVID 19

A busy period for boaters in Spain.

Charter Companies Evolution after COVID-19. Against all predictions, summer is becoming a record-breaking period for boaters in Spain.

The coronavirus pandemic has imposed and maintained social distances rule. Charter companies have reported that a yacht charter is an excellent option for tourists wanting to escape. That’s all thanks to the health security provided by the practice of the activity.

According to Cenáutica, the sailing schools in Spain have grown by 18% during the 2020 summer months. Cenáutica expects charters companies to increase by 11%.

In contrast to the global tourism sector, severely affected by Covid-19, recreational boating is experiencing its most active summer in recent years. Cenáutica indicated that renting a pleasure boat is ideal for avoiding the restrictions and crowds on the beaches. 11 % of people will rent a sailboat, a boat or a catamaran for the first time.

Boat sales are increasing too. Despite the coronavirus crisis, which paralyzed stocks between March and May 2020, sales surpassed those of the previous year. Therefore, according to the National Association of Nautical Companies (ANEN) general secretary, Carlos Sanlorenzo, “everything that has been lost cannot be recovered during this year”.

Charter companies ( Barcelona) have benefited from the equation: avoiding crowds, outdoor activity, family atmosphere, and nature contact. Sanlorenzo assures that the summer has brought “a new public that discovers a way of doing tourism and spending the summer through sailing”.

Thus, individual charter companies have modified their routines this summer, establishing bases in ports such as Barcelona to facilitate shipments to the Balearic Islands, avoiding using other transport such as planes. During this summer, the origin of the clients has also changed. Now, customers are people who live near the rental area.
The hole left by foreign tourism, much smaller than that of other years, has been covered by the native, according to the secretary of the Association of Nautical Industries of Catalonia (ADIN), Miquel Garner.

Charter Companies Evolution

For those who want to obtain a nautical qualification, such as the Recreational Boat Skipper (PER), online training to prepare for exams has become the priority option as an alternative to face-to-face classrooms. Despite this, the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine (DGMM) published a resolution on June 22, announcing an extraordinary call for theoretical examinations to obtain the PER. It is a decision adopted by the DGMM to follow the new guidelines
established by the Ministry of Health, limiting the capacity for holding conferences and similar events and giving new opportunities to those blocked by the lockdown.

Vaixells en venda

Blue Water Ketch Sailing Yacht Sold in Barcelona

Bluewater ketch yacht

A 63 Foot Blue Water Ketch Sailing Yacht has just been added to our listings in Port Ginesta Barcelona. She is a stunning yacht, built in 1980 to his standard. She has a fully encapsulated long keel and is a go-anywhere, anytime Yacht.  You would feel safe in any weather sailing this yacht.

Charlie the Bird

Please look at our Youtube Chanel by following this link, and you will find A full specification on our Blue Water Ketch Sailing YachtNetwork Yacht Brokers website. Chiara will arrange viewings through our office in Barcelona. We are open most days, and please give us a call if you need further information.

Visit Port Ginesta

Please visit us if you are considering moving a yacht to the Mediterranean. Our office in Port Ginesta Marina is next to Barcelona City and literally ten minutes from Barcelona International Airport. Port Ginesta is an excellent location for collecting, delivering or keeping a boat or yacht. This is thanks to such easy access by sea or land.  Many visiting never leave as they discover Port Ginesta Marina is next to one of the most popular cities in Europe, if not the World “Barcelona”.  It’s a must-visit city with a Marina based in the city centre just a short distance away. From Port Ginesta, opposite Barcelona, there is the pretty holiday resort of Sitges. It has a small marina compared to the 1500 berths available in Port Ginesta. However, visitors are always welcome.

We offer a low-cost delivery service from the Balearics and a free project management service for boats that need to be shipped by either sea or road transport to and from any destination in Europe.

Read more “Blue Water Ketch Sailing Yacht Sold in Barcelona”

Informació d'embarcacions

The King of Motorboats Carlo Riva Died.

Riva motorboats are 160 years old.

Engineer Carlo Riva passed away. The pioneer of the world’s nautical and patron of the famous luxury motorboats construction company that bears his name, Carlo was 95 years of age. He died in his home in Sarnico, north Italy.

His great success was wood motorboats, ordinary throughout Italy. Indeed, during the Italian economic boom of the 1950s, the Riva was Dolce Vita’s symbol. With its racing speedboats, the renowned entrepreneurs have also gained many records and won in national and international races. We recall some famous names of his creations, such as Ariston, Triton, Sebino and Florida and the most famous, the Acquarama.

After being owned by the American company Whittaker, the Ferretti Group took the brand, an Italian holding company owner of six more brands in the naval industry.

The Network Yacht Brokers Group wants to remember Riva as an essential icon in the “Made in Italy” and a brilliant boat maker. Besides, the next Genoa Boat Show in Italy will be dedicated to him, and it will be from the 21st to the 26th of September.

Carlo Riva passed away, leaving a legacy that will never be forgotten.

For our current list of boats for sale, follow this link

Please visit our Network Yacht Brokers Barcelona home page

Read more “The King of Motorboats Carlo Riva Died.”

Corredors de iots

Network Yacht Brokers obre a Barcelona

L’oficina de Network Yacht Brokers Barcelona està oberta per fi!

Ha estat relativament senzill posar en marxa l’oficina de Barcelona . Formem part del Network Yacht Brokers Group. Compartim vaixells i iots en venda per tot Europa.

La multilingüe Chiara Campagnaro dirigirà l’oficina, amb el suport dels coneixements marítims combinats de més de 20 oficines de Network Yacht Brokers. L’oficina de Port Ginesta es troba a només deu minuts amb cotxe de l’aeroport internacional de Barcelona. Chiara està ben ubicada per recollir els nostres clients a l’aeroport si voleu veure un dels nostres vaixells a Port Ginesta o Sitges.

nova oficina a barcelona yacht brokers

Si tens un vaixell a Barcelona en venda, t’oferim un 50% de descompte d’intermediació per als primers 100 llistats locals. Estem encantats de compartir les llistes d’intermediació amb altres corredors. Vendre el teu vaixell amb nosaltres arribarà a milions de clients potencials a tot Europa. Cap altre corredor de iots no s’anuncia a tants llocs web com nosaltres.

Per què no parles amb Chiara avui sobre vendre el teu vaixell? Si sou a Espanya, truqueu al [+34] 937978240. Ens vam traslladar a una oficina més gran!

Barcelona és el lloc perfecte per als amants de la vela.

Barcelona és la capital econòmica, cultural i administrativa de Catalunya. La ciutat està idealment situada; és la posició geogràfica per als amants del mar. La ciutat està en una ubicació fantàstica, prou a prop de la serralada dels Pirineus que es troba entre Espanya i França. Aquesta proximitat a Barcelona permet condicions meteorològiques tan variades que els agrada als navegants. Barcelona es va convertir en una obra mestra de la civilització a la qual milions de persones acudeixen cada any per absorbir l’ambient de la cultura del bussejador que prospera amb l’energia de la ciutat i els seus voltants: les ribes del mar Mediterrani.

Llegeix més sobre Barcelona . I embarcacions en venda a Barcelona . Si us plau, llegiu també el nostre post Vaixells en venda a Barcelona.